Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Top Reasons to Get Family Pictures NOW!

As the days get warmer and sun is out just a bit longer, I tend to think about photography just a little bit more; well, I get a more enthusiastic about it. I am eager to catch the moments of children playing barefoot in the grass, little girls picking flowers in their tutu's, boys running around like superhero's, playing hide and seek and other fun things that kids like to do! I wonder if there are other moms and dads that want to stop time, just for a moment. Imagine being able to see those "moments" forever, even when your children are grown. Yes, as parents, we love seeing our children grow, change and reach their milestones. I am so thankful that I have the images of the moments of my beautiful children.  Those images bring back warm memories. I could spend hours staring at some of their pictures.

That brings me to the reason for this post. Here are some reasons to get those family portraits done right away! Ready? Here we go.....

~ Christmas is not that far away, you don't want to send out another cheesy picture with forced
    smiles, do you?

~ Capture your family having fun to help your kids remember those moments. They are young, they
    won't remember everything  about when they were growing up.

~ Portraits today aren't straight lace, posed anymore! Don't be scared of the camera!! Get out, have
   fun, interact with your family.  Let the photographer do the rest, we're only capturing the things you
   do together anyway.

~ If you don't make the time to have some portraits done, who will?  How many times have you put
   something off for whatever reason and thenn realize later that you should have done it long ago?
   Make the time to do something for your family, and for YOU.

~ It's beautiful outside!  the colors of nature make a perfect background for a family or children's
   portrait session.

~ Family portraits can be as creative and unique as your family!  Find a photographer that fits your
   families style.  Have fun with it!

~ Your family will never again be who they are TODAY.  Tomorrow will bring change. New
    milestones, growing little bodies, changing faces, graying hair (it happens!), starting high school,
    leaving for college, etc, etc. We all know it happens, but it's amazing how fast it does.  Capture
    family as they are now.

~ And, if you're still not convinced now is the right time, read Spanki Mill's post, "If I could turn
  back time," about how grateful she was for the family portraits they had done. (Be prepared,

June Mini Session

Mini Session Details

I've decided to change things up a bit and offer a mini session over 2 days at 2 different locations.

What is included?
        ~ 20 minute portrait session                                       
        ~ 7-10 edited images on CD

What should we wear?
      ~ I suggest coordinating your outfits without being too matchy.  You can check out my "What to
         Wear Guide" blog

The BEST part......the session is only $20!!!!!!!

**Spots are limited. To book  your session contact:


Friday, May 18, 2012

Mini Session Giveaway!!!

A Day in the Park Mini Session Giveaway!!


FIRST, make sure you are a fan of MS Photography on Facebook.

SECOND, spread the word! Tell your friends and family to become a fan of MS Photography. Tell them about the contest!

THIRD, come back to MS Photography Fan Page and leave a comment that you shared the contest and you want your name to go into the drawings for a chance to win A Day in the Park Mini Session on my fan page wall.

FOURTH, one winning comment will be chosen at random on Friday, June 15, 2012.

You must be a fan of MS Photography to win.
The mini session will take place on the days of the original Mini Sessions set for June 23 & 24.

You can email MSPhotography@mail.com for more info.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


MS Photographs is making some changes. For starters, the name is no longer MS Photographs, it is instead MS Photography.  I originally wanted it this was but the domain was not available. To my surprise (and perserverance) I learned tonight that it was FREE again!!

With the change of the name comes the change of the email.  I will be phasing out MSPhotographs@ymail.com and going forward will be using MSPhotography@mail.com.

I hope everyone finds this transition easy. MS Photography will be easier to remember as well as for others to find.

Thank you all for your support!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Day in the Park

I am happy to anounce the first "Mini Session" of the season! This will be "A Day in the Park" at Highland Park on Saturday June 23rd from 9 AM - 11 AM and June 24th from 5 PM to 7 PM.  Each session will last approximately 20 minutes and you will receive 5-10 digital images of your session.

  I can understand some of the anxiety surrounded by "ONLY 20 MINUTES!?!", I have you covered!! If you are not satisfied with at least 5 of your images I will redo your entire sessionand give you an extra 20 minutes at no extra charge.

Contact MSPhotographs@ymail.com or call (765)461-3725 for more information.
You can also check out my facebook page for more details www.facebook.com/MSPhotographs

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Jordan {2012}

"To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act"


Powell Wedding 4*28*12

Amber & Todd 4*28*12
I am so very prowd of these two.  I have been fortunate enough to get to see these two grow together through their journey. I was not the actual photographer for this wedding, but was able to use it as some practice. {Thank you!!} Amber did such an excellent job putting all of the elements together to make this an elegant outdoor wedding, despite the 40 degree weather.

What to Wear

The idea of getting dressed for your family photoshoot or any photo shoot should not be daunting. After all, we want your pictures to reflect YOUR family & YOUR unique style! So I’ve put together a simple guide to creating cohesive outfits for yourself as well as for families!

Let's get started:

 Be comfortable!  You don't all have to look alike.

~ Try not to wear "matching" outfits; instead, color coordinate them. Find colors and textures that
    compliment one another
~ Unify your colors

 ~ Layers!!! This can add depth and interest to a photo.

 ~ Accessorize with jewelry, hats, glassses, scarves, jackets, props, etc.

 ~ Make sure your outfit changes are very different. For example, your first "outfit might be jeans
    and a hoodie, your second outfit can be a pair of pants and a blouse, the third can be a simple
    dress & heels

 ~ Alternate between colors & style. Think solids vs patterns, loud colors vs soft colors,
    t-shirts vs button shirts, pants vs skirts, formal vs casual, bold vs timeless


 ~ Lastly, here's some "put together's" for families

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10